Prisoners death records  







Mysterious death of Ibrahim Afa
Mysterious death of Abraham Tewelde

Liquidation in the ELF
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Keshi (2003) states that Seyoum (who became the ELF-RC Chairman after Ahemed Nassir) grew faster through the rank and file of the old ELF than anybody else. He became the mouthpiece of ELF leaders in campaigning against the grassroots movement in 1977
Seyoum was one of the promoters of the infamous political campaign dubbed “HA Hu Bel Falulaywhich brought the democratic movement of ELFto a complete collapse in 1977.

Purge and Liquidation in the ELF in the 1970s

Alem Tesfay in his paper "Kab Mezgeb Tarich (page 8)" in 2004 wrote [Interview with Tesfay Temnewo - Part 36]


Battle of Massawa, 1977

Massawa Front was where the former ELF democracts
perished without enough survivors to tell their story

Purge and Liquidation in the ELF in the 1970s

Ahemed Naser
The liquidation of the 10 veterans ELF fighters were confirmed by Ahemed Naser who was the chair man of the ELF at that time in the following
We foiled this reactionary project by resolutely liquidating these elements on May 22, 1978. The Eritrean Liberation Army units assigned this duty executed it perfectly.” One of those martyrs was Hussen the founder of the ELF in Cairo with Taha.

Purge and Liquidation in the ELF in the 1970s

Abdella Idris: The Architect of Violence and Beneficiary of Undemocratic Uprising

During the liberation struggle many innocent liberation fighters and civilians became victims of the former revolutionary leaders who are currently serving in the Eritrean government or in the Opposition. The opposition leaders are not innocent of crime. They like the PFDJ leaders whom they are accusing of committing crimes against the Eritrean people since 1991. are also guilty.


Crime committed against civilians by the ELF and EPLF during the armed struggle

Let's tell all truth about the crimes committed by the EPLF and ELF to ensure that they never happen again in the future to anyone


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