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Tragic stories from young Eritrean asylum seekers & refugees

Al Jazeera English - Activate - Eritrea Israel: No Place to Go

A Message to the world: On Behalf of Suffering Eritreans [video]

Testimony of human trafficking victim in Egypt who's life was saved by Israel - MU
Currently there are thousands of Africans who are being tortured for ransom in Egypt's Sinai. These Africans, primarily Christian Eritrean refugees, were kidnapped by the Rashaida tribe from Sudan, purchased by Egyptians, and resold to Bedouins in the northern Sinai. Shackled and continuously tortured in dozens of makeshift torture camps, they are forced to call their relatives to raise funds for Hamas arms smugglers. Those who are unable to come up with the ransom money are murdered. To date, the Egyptian government chooses to do nothing to stop these atrocities

Compiled by Resoum Kida

The purpose of this compilation is to document all ghastly crimes and atrocities committed against the Eritrean youths in Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Israel and most recently in Sinai. Many of these crimes have been reported by journalists and human rights activists. For example in 2010 EL-ARISH, Egypt (Reuters) reported that a 26-year-old Eritrean was shot dead by Egyptian border police, in 2008 AI also reported that Samar Saddik Abkar was shot dead by Egyptian border police, in the early 2011 at least 86 women from Eritrea reported they were raped while in Sinai, this was reported by Diaa Hadid (CP) , similar story was also reported by A new Physicians for Human Rights - Israel (PHR-I), the most horrendous of these organised serious inhumane acts were committed in Sina by armed Bedouins (Arabs) and  was publicised in October 2011reported by El Arish, Egypt (CNN) and other reporters . By and large in last 10 years, the younger Eritrean refugees faced forced deportations by the Libyan, Egyptian, Maltese and Sudanese regimes. Some were also killed by Egyptian border guards or tortured by the Bedouin tribes of the Sinai.  Regrettably, the various opposition leaders have engaged in narrow power struggles disregarding these atrocities. Their elitist supporters continue to engage in cybercivil war in and other websites instead of uniting and liberating the Eritrean people from this autocratic regime without any delay.

Therefore, the youths are not merely victims of the PFDJ but also of the leaders of the opposition groups and their elitist supporters. In effect, they have realistically contributed to prolonging the life of this autocratic regime which has caused the deaths of thousands of Eritrean youths many in the Mediterranean Sea [video], Sahara desert [video] and Sinai deserts[video] while the victims have relentlessly sought to escape.

An Eritrean refugee talks about being tortured in Sinai –VIDEO, Tuesday 14 February 2012

Mogos Redae was tortured by smugglers in the Egyptian Sinai region for nine months until his family sold their homes to raise enough money to secure his release – $14,000. A brutal trafficking industry has flourished over the past year in which Bedouin gangs, emboldened by their apparent impunity, extort higher and higher prices for kidnapped migrants -VIDEO

An Eritrean man who says he will be killed by an Egyptian trafficking gang in Sinai unless a $25,000 ransom is paid within days has spoken to the Today BBC programme's Mike Thomson[audio/text.


Eritrean Officials 'Plotting with Gangs to Kidnap Thousands'

Its really sad

Journey Stories

Part 31, Eritreans taken by Rashida from Sudan to Sinai[

The Body Snatchers

Eritrean in Sinai desert

Eritrean Refugees in Sinai -

Abuse of Eritrean Refugees in Sinai

Eritrea: A Stand in the Sinai

Eritrean in sinai desert abuse

Eritrean Refugees In Yemen

Human trafficking in Sinai desert[video]

Abuse of Eritrean Refugees in Sinai

African migrants 'tortured in Sinai'

Hard to Believe from Eritrean part2

Captured and tourtured in the desert

Eritrea government selling refugees to arabs[video]

Rights groups decry death of Eritrean in Israel attack

Eritrean Refugees Tragedy in SINAI Desert [youtube].]

Rui Tavares - Crisis of Eritrean refugees in Sinai -

Tears of Eritrea - Kings School of Media

Journey of Death - Eritrean and Sudanese migrants journey to Israel

ንሸቐጥቲ ውሽጣዊ ኣካላት መናእሰያትና ዘይፈለጠ ይፍለጦ [ሓጻር መልእኽቲ ንህግደፋውያን [youtube]

why the victims of Lampadusa will not be buried in Eritrea

Eritrean refugees stranded in Yemen

Ethio-Oromo & Eritrean Refugee in Yemen prison woman

Migrants forced to flee Eritrea for uncertain future


Abusing Asylum Seekers in the Sinai

Sub-Saharan Africans seeking refugee status in Israel[2011]

Israel returns 67 refugees to the Sinai[2011]
Source Harenet

This Won't Just Go Away [2011]
Source asmarino

Jerusalem police say Eritrean migrant killed by husband [2011]
Source assenna

Pregnant woman murdered in South Tel Aviv [2010]
Source jeberti

Bedouin smugglers rape African women in Egypt(Sinai) [2011]
Sinai. Traffickers torture an Eritrean child [2011]
CSW calls for effective action for Eritrean hostages in Sinai [2011]
Urgent call for help! from Sinai [2010]
Egypt Plays Down Reported Eritrean Refugee Hostage Crisis In Sinai [2010]
African migrants report abuse on way to Israel [2010]
Egypt Deports Eritreans Despite Torture Risk [2009]
Eritrean refugee in Halifax commits suicide after losing case to stay in Canada [2009]
The Egyptian territory has become a human prison for African migrants.
Fears over African migrants held by Sinai Bedouin
Around 10 African refugees, including Eritreans, die at the hands of human smugglers in Sinai, Egypt.
The Need to Form Worldwide Provisional Coordinating Committee for Eritrean and Other Refugees in Libya and Egypt
መንግስቲ ሊብያ ዝገፈፎም 150 ዝኾኑ ኤርትራውያን ደሃይ ኣጥፊኦም ከምዘለዉ ተፈሊጡ።
Source asena]
ነጋዶ ሰብ’ ዝኾኑ ራሻይዳ፡ ንሓንቲ ገንዘብ ምኽፋል ዝሰኣነት ኤርትራዊት ጓል ኣንስተይቲ ብካላሽን ቀቲሎም ኮላሊታ ወሲዶሞ
Source asena]
Where's my mom? Arrested by Egyptian border police
Published by Vered Lee, 12/03/2008

Egyptian police killed Eritrean woman who tried to slip across the border with two daughters, aged eight and 10

Published by Eritrean Community for Human Rights and Refugee Protection

The Human Rights Groups Slam EU Migration Policies

 Published by DW staff (df)18.06.2007
Deutsche Welle

Thirty-nine illegal immigrants arrive in Malta

Published by MaltaMedia News Apr 10, 2004
MaltaMedia Online Network]    

Bid to solve Malta migrant crisis
 Published byStaff , Apr 24, 2006,

Nine Eritreans plead for asylum

Published by GIC 21/8/2007

Eritreans hijack plane after expulsion from Libya

Published by AFP August 28, 2004

At least 500 Eritrean nationals are reportedly detained in Libya

Published by Amnesty International, 13 July 2007

Eritreans suffering in a Libyan Detention Center

Published by Kidane Araya, PhD.

Eritrean Students deported from Egypt to Eritrea
Published by 01 June 2007


Expulsion 86 Eritrean refugees from Sudan

Published by GIC 14/11/2007

Malta: The government should suspend deportations of Eritreans

Published byAmnesty International . 10 October 2002
Moviment Graffitti For Asylum Seekers]

ECRE calls for immediate rescue of stranded Migrants in the Mediterranean

Published by ECRAN 31-05-2007
Website of the European Commission]

New report documents the toll of destitution faced by Eritrean asylum seekers

Published byArun Kundnani 30 August 2005
Institute of Race Relations ]

Migrant boat missing off Malta

Published by BBC News25 May 2007

New report documents the toll of destitution faced by Eritrean asylum seeker

Published by 08/2007
[Source ]

The situation of the women in Eritrea after independence

 Published by Mrs. Hayat Ibrahim

Trapped in the desert by a bad law

Publishedby Anna Husarska January 2007
[ Source]

Eritreans risk death in the Sahara

 Published by Martin Plaut 25 March 2007
[Source BBC NEWS

Exodus of Eritrea's Youth

 Published by

Libya slammed for expelling Eritrean refugees

 Published byafrol News, 21 September

Italy-Bound, 15 Eritreans Die In The Mediterranean

 Published by Gedab News - Jul 2, 2006

75 Eritreans Feared Dead While 5 Rescued at Sea off Italian Island

[Source asena]

Italy: One-Way Ticket to Europe African migrants search for a better life

 Published by Ariana Reguzzoni and Diana Ferrero July 27, 2006 

Sudan threatens Ethiopian, Eritrean refugees
 Published byAmnesty Intl July 10, 2007

Eritrean Refugees in Libya Facing Torture / Forcible Return to their Homeland

 Published byIHRC uly 23, 2007
[ Source
Islamic Human Rights Commission

Sudan prepares to return refugees to Eritrea

 Published 17/07/2007
[ Source

A story of an Eritrean Immigrant

Presented by: Elsa Chyrum 17 December 2006
 Published byDavid Lindsay 17 December 2006
[ Source]

Save Detained Eritrean Student In South Africa

Published by Eritrean students and residents in Pretoria, 02/04

From Malta to torture and death

 Published byDavid Lindsay 17 December 2006
[ Source]

Kidane Mehari, a 40 years old Eritrean man killed himself on Sunday, March 12th in Milan

Published by 15 March 2007
[ Source]

173 more Eritreans arrive in Shegerab (Sudan)

Published by Peter Popham in Rome 25 May 2007
[ Source]

Doomed to drown: the desperate last calls of the migrants no one wanted to rescue

Published by EDA 1, 23 March 2007
[ Sourc

57 Eritrean Asylum Seekers Secretly Incarcerated in Libya
Published by Nharnet Stringer (Europe)
[ Source]

12 Eritrean Asylum Seekers Taken To Cairo Airport for Forced Repatriation

Published by Nharnet Stringer (Europe)
[ Source]

War fears swell refugee camp(Shimelba) near Eritrea border
Published by Barry Malone 01 Nov 2007

An on-scene report from Shimelba.:
Published by Jason McLure Oct 30, 2007

Egypt police shoot Eritrean at Israel border

Published by Eritrean Community for Human Rights and Refugee Protection,11/3/2007

Fear of torture/incommunicado detention/forcible return: Miskir Semerab Goitom (f), aged 21

Published by AI:29 November 2007

Eritrea reportedly abducting 4,000 Eritreans from Sudan

Published by Tesfa-alem Tekle:26 December2007

Sudan deports Eritreans to the border area

Published by 22 June 2007
[ Source]

17 Eritrean refugees Sank in Setit River 
Published by GIC 27/1/2008
[Source GIC

Sweden and the Case of an ‘Eritrean Torture Victim’

Published by W. Mikael Saturday, 02 February 2008
[Source asena]

Eritrean asylum seekers in Egypt and Libya under unwarranted threat of forced deportation

Published by ELF-RC Office 27.01.2008
[Source nharnet]

The Perilous Status of Eritrean Refugees in the Ramle prison in the outskirts of Tel Aviv

Eritrea reportedly abducting 4,000 Eritreans from Sudan

[Source [SudanTribune]

Abrehale Misghina, a 28-year-old refugee from Eritrea committed suicide in Israel. 

Refugees suffer in Gaddafi's Libya[
text] [Click here to watch Channel 4 TV report on immigrants  )
[Source asena]

Simon Abraham, 19 was sentenced to 26 weeks imprisonment[Source asena]

ኣብ ዶብ ግብጽን እስራኤል ዘይሕጋውያን ኣሰጋገርቲ ብዘውረዱሎም ስቓይ 3 ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ከምዝሞቱ መሰኻኽርር ካብቲ ቦታ ሓቢሮም።

[Source asena]

Unknown Eritrean Refugees Corpses in Egyptian Hospitals


Two doctors charged with involuntary homicide of Eritrean immigrant

SourceTimes of Malta

A 26-year-old Eritrean was shot dead on Thursday
Eritrean refugee says raped by 8 Bedouins in Sinai
Source Asmarino com

Ledia Tewelde sobs as she arrives at the spot where three people apparently jumped from the 15th floor of a block of flats in Glasgow

ኣብ ሊብያ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራዊያን ብሕማም ዓባይ ሳዓልን ካልኦት ተላገብቲ ሕማማትን ይጥቅዑ፡

Eritrean refugees and asylum seekers in Libya are the invisible people on this planet

Eritrean asylum seekers protest over lack of refugee status in Israel
Eritrea’s Worsening Human Rights Abuses and Israeli Concerns
Eritrean ambassador: Jerusalem must repatriate 'deserters'


Eritrea ስማዒ ዝሰኣነ ኣውያት Eri Refugees




Corpses of people (Eritreans ) in the Sahara Desert


Unbelievable 2011 - The way from Sudan & Eritrea to holy land[YouTube]


Eritreans risk death in the Sahara
Hamas torturing 250 Eritreans in Egypt
Eritrean Tells of His Cruel Odyssey to Israel
Mission to Iraq, Israel, and the West Bank


Listen to audio

A mass grave for the Africans - at the mountains of Sinai"

CNN's Freedom Project special "Death in the Desert" airs on Saturday
برنامج لحظة بلحظة حلقة اكتشاف مقبرة جماعية في صحراء سيناء جزء اول

Sister Azezet talks about the kidnap and torture of Eritrean and Ethiopian refugees in the Sinai.

Sister Aziza: Nun offers Oasis of Hope for Refugees – CNN Video

Sister gives hope to trafficked migrants
Azezet Habtezghi Kidane
Appello per i progughi
Da Betania, Territori Palestinesi Occupati, suor Azezet Kidane
Da Betania, Territori Palestinesi Occupati, suor Azezet Kidane Habtezghi
Read a summery of translation of the videos
ኣብ ሲና ኣፍሪቃውያን ስደተኛታት መብዛሕትኦም ድማ ኤርትራውያን ብጅምላ ዝተቐብርሉ ቦታ ተረኺቡ
Israeli organ trafficker pleads guilty
The theft of organs of the African refugees into Israel via the Sinai
Corruption, Mafia and Religious Terrorism Behind the Human Organs Trafficking in Egypt

'Death in the Desert

Slaves freed after CNN documentary

Journey Stories

Group Locates Hideout of the Trafficker Abu Musa
A report-complaint against the smuggling of migrants in the Sinai (Egypt)

Desert Hostages

Rape victims tell horrifying stories from the Sinai
Desert Hell
ገሃነብ ምድረ በዳ
The Pope Lifts The Lid On Sinai's Tortured Eritrean Refugees
Eritrean Refugees: Kidnapped, Tortured In Egyptian Sinai
EGYPT/ISREAL: Tortured for ransom in the Sinai desert

Eritrean Raiders From Libya to Italy singing a gospel song[Youtube]

At least 500 Eritrean nationals are reportedly detained in Libya

Eritrea: Political Persecution of Desertion and Conscientious Objection

Libya: outrage as Eritrean refugees are held in single cell
The Tragedy of Eritrean Refugees Caught Up in Libyan Uprising

UNHCR has the names of some 1,600 Eritreans held by the Egyptian authorities for entering the country illegally.
Egypt deports Eritreans despite torture risk Read more

ዳርጋ ኩሎም ኤርትራውያን ምዃኖም ዝንገረሎም 335 ስደተኛታት ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ፡ ገማግም ሊብያ ብጅምላ ሃሊቖም ከምዘለዉ ተሓቢሩ።


Italy-Bound, 15 Eritreans Die In The Mediterranean
75 Eritreans Feared Dead While 5 Rescued at Sea off Italian Island

An overcrowded ship carrying up to 600 people trying to flee Libya sank just outside the port of Tripoli


ERITREA - The video that threatened the Italian governmentEritrean refugees and asylum seekers in Libya are the invisible people on this planetSAD MUSIC VIDEO !! **Bahri*
ኣፈናዊ ዝርዝር ኣስማት ናይ ገለ ክፋል ናይቶም ኣብ መፋርቕ ወርሒ ነሓሰ ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ጥሒሎም ዝሞቱ ኤርትራውያን

  Stowaways in Newton Abbot lorry

Story of an Eritrean Immigrat:life in detention
Five people from Eritrea, east Africa, have been found hiding in a lorry destined for Devon, by a sniffer dog

Eritrean stowaways found in Huddersfield-bound lorry
An Eritrean Immigrat killed himself in Milan

Eritrean asylum-seekers facing trial before Daraw misdemeanours court, north of Aswan, 13 April 2008. A girl’s dress left on the barbed wire fence marking the border between Egypt and Israel


Samar Saddik Abkar, whose mother was shot dead while trying to cross the border from Egypt to Israel, in the armsof her aunt, Nora Hame

Where's my mom? Arrested by Egyptian border police





African immigrants seen at a detention facility located in the south of Israel. August, 2012. (photo credit: Moshe Shai/FLASH90)

ካብ መቕሎ ናብ መጋርያ ሓዊ
ኣውያት ካብ ፍትሒ ዝሰኣኑ ኣብ ከሰላ ተዳጒኖም ዘለዉ መንእሰያት

ኣብ ሱዳን ድንጎላ ኣብ ዝባሃል ቦታ ሕጹጽ ሓገዝ ድሕነትን ዝጽበዩ 365 ኤርትራዉያን ስደተኛታት
ብመንግስቲ ሱዳን ኣብ ሽማልያ ተኣሲሮም ካብ ዘሎዉ 365 ኤርትራዉያን ስደተኛታት 5 ሰባት ብሓይልታት ጸጥታ ስርዓት ህግደፍ ተጨዉዮም

Sudan condemning deported Eritreans to ‘certain abuse’
Sudan: End Mass Summary Deportations of Eritreans

Detained Eritrean journalist faces possible forced repatriation from Sudan

“This TooShall Pass”: Time For Real Outrage
Above is a picture of writings in Tigrinya on the wall where  the horrible crimes committed against the younger Eritreans by armed Bedouins (Arabs) in Sinai. In the context of Tigrinya expression this means that all this is a passing phenomenon.

Security Situation in Sinai: Opportunity to Liberate Torture Camps

Women raped by Sinai traffickers find helpBy Frederik Pleitgen and Mohammed Fadel Fahmy, CNN Editor's note: Watch the CNNI documentary "Stand in the Sinai" on Saturday 22 September at 1300 and 2030 GMT and Sunday 23 September at 0930 BST. Readmore

Abducted from Sudan, tortured in Sinai: Mother and child languish in Israeli jail

Paying for freedom CNN


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